Tagged: voice

Dark clouds over America 0

The Dark Cloud Over America

By Darrell C. Porter A dark cloud fell over the United States of America, June 26, 2015. We were attacked and brought down, but not by an outside enemy. No invading forces stormed our...

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Little Green Men

By Dan L. White Audio: http://exhort-ezine.info/exhort/little%20green%20men.mp3 Vladimir Putin’s recent invasion of Ukraine can teach us a valuable spiritual lesson. Because of his actions, when I write Putin’s name, I’m never sure if I should...

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There’s Only One Right Choice

by Darrell C. Porter  When I was in elementary school, studying my most difficult subject–Math–I learned that everything boils down to its most simplest form. This new-found revelation, later, helped me realize that all...


The Corne and the Curse

By Dan L. White Socialism policies cause certain effects in a society. The Pilgrims in New England learned this lesson. Their voyage and enterprise was paid for by an English stock company, and the...

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The Rationale

An Excerpt from a treatise by Darrell C. Porter to the pastors of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA “Fifty years ago preachers in America largely focused on promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their...