Tagged: source

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Love is the Substance of Life!

“Love is the Substance of Life!” by Darrell C. Porter Love is kindly given… gentle. Its thoughts are not of itself. Will I be loved? Its thoughts are for the one loved. This love...

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By Dan L. White (For audio message: http://exhort-ezine.info/exhort/PEETRIFIED.mp3) Most people do what they have always done. No matter what anybody says, no matter what they read, no matter what happens – Most people just...

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There’s Only One Right Choice

by Darrell C. Porter  When I was in elementary school, studying my most difficult subject–Math–I learned that everything boils down to its most simplest form. This new-found revelation, later, helped me realize that all...

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Written by J.B. Williams For many years now, Americans have watched their once great nation in steady decline. The truth is the end of American supremacy in the world started over a hundred years...