A Warrior’s Prayer – Part 1
by Darrell C. Porter It’s not a luxury. Prayer is a living necessity at all times, in every situation. Pressed against the Christian each day is a world designed to weaken his hold on...
by Darrell C. Porter It’s not a luxury. Prayer is a living necessity at all times, in every situation. Pressed against the Christian each day is a world designed to weaken his hold on...
By Dan L. White Audio: http://exhort-ezine.info/exhort/little%20green%20men.mp3 Vladimir Putin’s recent invasion of Ukraine can teach us a valuable spiritual lesson. Because of his actions, when I write Putin’s name, I’m never sure if I should...
“Love is the Substance of Life!” by Darrell C. Porter Love is kindly given… gentle. Its thoughts are not of itself. Will I be loved? Its thoughts are for the one loved. This love...
IS THE MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE MENTALLY ILL? By Coach Dave Daubenmire November 6, 2014 Guest Authors I am not asking this with my tongue in my cheek. I am as serious...
An Excerpt from a treatise by Darrell C. Porter to the pastors of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA “Fifty years ago preachers in America largely focused on promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their...
“The Cost of Quitting” By Darrell C. Porter ——————————————- “A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist...
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