Tagged: Freedom

Netanyahu wins elections 0

Obama and Bibi

By Dan L. White Obama is threatening to destroy Israel. Netanyahu just won reelection in Israel. He seems to be a very wise man, as worldly wisdom goes. Over and over he makes this...

Heart of Love 0

Love is the Substance of Life!

“Love is the Substance of Life!” by Darrell C. Porter Love is kindly given… gentle. Its thoughts are not of itself. Will I be loved? Its thoughts are for the one loved. This love...

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Written by J.B. Williams For many years now, Americans have watched their once great nation in steady decline. The truth is the end of American supremacy in the world started over a hundred years...


Headed Only To Heaven

Written by Darrell C. Porter Several days ago I received a call from a dear Christian friend who told me his wife had just gone home to be with the Lord. For months we...

The Cost of Quitting 0

“The Cost of Quitting”

“The Cost of Quitting” By Darrell C. Porter ——————————————- “A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist...