Tagged: angel

A Warrior's Prayer pic 0

A Warrior’s Prayer – Part 1

by Darrell C. Porter It’s not a luxury.  Prayer is a living necessity at all times, in every situation. Pressed against the Christian each day is a world designed to weaken his hold on...

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Obama and Bibi

By Dan L. White Obama is threatening to destroy Israel. Netanyahu just won reelection in Israel. He seems to be a very wise man, as worldly wisdom goes. Over and over he makes this...


Headed Only To Heaven

Written by Darrell C. Porter Several days ago I received a call from a dear Christian friend who told me his wife had just gone home to be with the Lord. For months we...

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“The Cost of Quitting”

“The Cost of Quitting” By Darrell C. Porter ——————————————- “A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist...