Epistles Read of All Men – Part 1
2Co 3:2 “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:”
Every believing Christian has their own story in Christ.
Christ has His story in you.
Every Believer has a unique encounter with the Savior that others can see and experience. Each one is known by what he does in Christ.
No one knows your secret thoughts, desires or intentions but God. No one truly feels your emptiness, despair… hurt… disappointment… but Him.
Though all these be hidden to the world, yet you are read.
Jesus has an unseen Hand that writes His life on your life.
Thus the Believer is Christ’s personal letter to the world, known and read of all men.
Not only that, your life is also being written in the heart of God.
So plainly is this, that when you die you really don’t go anywhere… because you’re truly already there. You’re in God’s heart. You’re in His presence… forever.
The apostle wrote, in 2Corinthians 2:8, that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. None can be present with the Lord in death if they are not first present with Him in Life.
Life in this world was our own at one time. Then came Jesus, Who most imperceptibly has becomes our Life. He has become our Daily Bread. “In him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) His thoughts and desires enter us. Our heart and prayers reach out to Him. Trust receives and yields, surrenders and obeys Him. Faith honors Him… even to our last breath.
Notice John 11:25 where “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” Even death cannot separate us from Christ. Writing to the Colossians, the apostle Paul said, “Your life is hid with Christ in God”. (Col.3:3) This means there is eternal security for every believing Christian. In this sure place none can pluck them out of His Hand. (Jn.10:28)
In this spiritual place you cannot help but be a letter from God, written for all to see. For you are His light to the world. (Mt 5:14) Through you God’s Truth can be made known to others.
Pr. 28:12 makes and interesting statement when it says, “when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.”
The Hebrew word for hidden is chaphas {khaw-fas’}. A larger meaning is disguised. The Christian Believer is sent into the world with Christ hidden on the inside, disguised & looking like you; when it really isn’t you doing those Godly works; it’s Christ in you.
What’s all the more amazing is that as Christ writes His Life in you, the joyful hope of your eternal glory is also being confirmed. Therefore you can fully know that when this earthly assignment is over you’ll forever be in His holy presence.
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