The Amazing Compassion of God
by Darrell C. Porter Compassion is sympathy for one who is in pain or trouble. It bears a desire, even longing, to alleviate that pain and bring comfort to that need. Wherever compassion resides...
by Darrell C. Porter Compassion is sympathy for one who is in pain or trouble. It bears a desire, even longing, to alleviate that pain and bring comfort to that need. Wherever compassion resides...
By Darrell C. Porter This is what the Bible declares as the hope of glory. (Col.1:27) The early Jews, looking for Messiah’s coming, referred to Him as “The Hope of Israel”. (Jer.14:8; 17:13; Acts....
By Darrell C. Porter 2Co 3:2 “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:” Every believing Christian has their own story in Christ. Christ has His story in...
“Love is the Substance of Life!” by Darrell C. Porter Love is kindly given… gentle. Its thoughts are not of itself. Will I be loved? Its thoughts are for the one loved. This love...
by Darrell C. Porter Jutting out of the Scriptures like mountain peaks are warnings and examples sharply declaring that many will turn from Christ and walk with Him no more. “Now the Spirit speaketh...
by Darrell C. Porter When I was in elementary school, studying my most difficult subject–Math–I learned that everything boils down to its most simplest form. This new-found revelation, later, helped me realize that all...
Written by Darrell C. Porter Several days ago I received a call from a dear Christian friend who told me his wife had just gone home to be with the Lord. For months we...
An Excerpt from a treatise by Darrell C. Porter to the pastors of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA “Fifty years ago preachers in America largely focused on promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their...
“The Cost of Quitting” By Darrell C. Porter ——————————————- “A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist...
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